Forum Warranty Submission FormPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. - Step 1 of 4Name *FirstLastEmail *Phone *Customer IDNextWhat product are you registering? *AluminaAquasArcDrumForecastFrameHydroInverse CoveKlean Edge CoveOmnicoveReflectionRingsWedgeNextPO Number *Order Number *Invoice Date *Products must be registered within 90 days of the invoice date.Attach Documents Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files. Attach copies of you invoice, PO or other relevant information here. Maximum combined file size of 20MB.NextTerms and Conditions *I certify that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions. FORUM, INC. 100 CHAPEL HARBOR Dr. PITTSBURGH, PA 15238 (412) 781-5970 FAX (412) 781-5971 Warranties --------------- 1. Forum warrants that its products will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of (5) years from the date of shipment if used under normal conditions and installed properly. This limited warranty will not apply to any defects arising out of (a) installation method; (b) failure to adhere to Forum’s instructions; (c) wear or deterioration due to environmental conditions, unless otherwise stated by Forum in writing; or (d) Buyer’s or third-party’s misuse or abuse. Within 30 days of the discovery of any alleged defect within the warranty period, Buyer shall notify Forum in writing of the alleged defect. Upon confirmation of a defect by Forum, Forum may, in its sole discretion, remedy the situation by (a) repairing the product, (b) replacing the product, or (c) crediting Buyer for the product. If Forum is unable to remedy the situation within a reasonable time, Forum will fully refund the purchase price. Defects that arise or become manifest after the warranty period are Buyer’s sole responsibility. This limited warranty is Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy, and Buyer agrees that the return of the purchase price by Forum is fair and adequate and prevents this remedy from failing of its essential purpose. Forum makes no other warranties or representations of any kind, express or implied, in connection with the products, including but not limited to any warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. 2. Forum,Inc. will not reimburse any labor charges associated with such defects without prior written approval from Forum,Inc. 3. LED Drivers and Modules supplied as original equipment components, carry the warranty of the manufacturer of these components and will service any of these components that are still under warranty. Forum, Inc.’s warrantee is subordinate to all component manufacturers’warranties. 4. The warranty described herein is in lieu of any other warranty, expressed or implied. Liabilities under this warranty are limited to repair or replacement and the purchaser agrees that no other remedy shall be available to the purchaser. 5. Claims for shortages and/or errors must be made in writing within 10 days of delivery. 6. The above warranty is considered null and void if it is determined that the fixture was damaged, modified, misused, or connected to a supply voltage other than recommended voltage. 7. The purchaser shall pay any and all reasonable fees, without limitation, incurred by Forum, Inc. in enforcing the terms of its agreement of sale. --------------------------------LED Drivers and Modules - Standard LED Drivers and Modules manufacturer’s guarantee is extended to any LED Driver or Module failing within the guarantee period for causes due to faulty manufacture, provided conditions of operation are normal. We are not responsible for any installation or replacement expenses.PreviousSubmit